ASDAN Awards & Certificates in Employability & LifeSkills
The Autism Trust feels very privileged to be able to offer our individuals with an autism spectrum condition, a chance to take recognized courses in 'Employability' in a real 'live' working environment.
'The Employability qualifications provides a framework for developing and recognising general employability skills. They are suitable for use with post-16 learners and for SEN sectors.
ASDAN was given full endorsement for the Employability qualifications by Asset Skills, the Sector Skills Council which had responsibility for Employability skills and qualifications. ASDAN featured in a report commissioned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and UKES which reviewed the impact of generic Employability qualifications.
For more details on the Employability Certificates course contents please follow link
NEW Courses and online Courses from March 2020 -
We now offer new ASDAN Short Courses and Focus Courses for employability/vocational subjects & Independence life skills, some of which can be remotely delivered (even during lockdowns) with a mentor they know in their own home/Community living/or school or college placement, please download our 'Pathways' Booklet for more details of all our bespoke courses.
For more details on the Short Courses course contents please follow link
For more details on the Focus Courses course contents please follow link
If you are interested in attending any of the courses above, please either email or post this completed
Interest Form for Work Experience/ASDAN Qualifications **Interest Form** .
Our Gallery of Success
Well Done to you all for your hard work.
We are very proud of you!